Thursday, September 6, 2018

Bye, Bye Best Popular Film Category

Today, the Academy decided to get rid of their new Best Popular Film category.

Can we all just agree that this is a great move. What would even be the cutoff for a "popular" film? It's not like the Academy is nominating films that make 200 bucks at the Box Office.

Plus it just seemed like a cheap way for them to try and get blockbusters nominated. By putting them in some new category with no prestige they wouldn't have brought a new audience. People can see through bogus attempts at pulling in bigger numbers. If you want those viewers then you'll have to get them into Best Picture. The Oscars just never recovered from snubbing The Dark Knight, they've changed so many policies and categories and just can't seem to hit something they like.

Now we just need them to turn back their decision of sending some of the tech categories to the commercial breaks. The audience for the Oscars wants to see the awards! Casual viewers can just watch the best of clips the next morning on Youtube. Someone that is watching the whole show, wants to see all the awards! People worked their whole lives for this moment and you can't show Best Editing on the main telecast? How lame! How about getting rid of a couple of the skits that always seem to be shoved into the broadcast. Did we really need Armie Hammer shooting hot dogs into an audience that just wanted to see A Wrinkle in Time?

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