Monday, August 31, 2020

Oscar Predictions - September 1st


 Usually I do monthly predictions for the upcoming Academy Awards, but this has been such a strange year that it hasn't really felt right to do them. Honestly, I'm not sure what films are even going to be released in time and what's going to be delayed until 2021. 

It feels like Netflix is set to dominate this upcoming season and I guess that would be fitting for a pandemic? However the Academy has been resistant to Netflix winning Best Picture, but maybe they will reward them for keeping the industry alive during this year? Anyway I wanted to do some predictions, but it's impossible. I have no idea what's coming out other than Netflix. 

When  we get closer, I'll try to actually do these. However all I know is that it's going to feel so wrong if Glenn Close finally wins an Oscar and she has to accept it over Zoom???????

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